Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pre-Trip Tips #3 - Personal Electronics

This is a short blog, because I suspect most of this is already common sense for most of you. 

Tip #1:  Bring only what you are willing to carry all the time.

 Tip #2:  Yes, bring that digital camera!  It goes without saying, but there will be great photo ops throughout the trip.  You may also want to buy an extra battery and memory card, if you plan on extensive use.

Tip #3: Your phone might be worthless in Greece, or worse, very expensive.  Be sure that you check you international plan with your cell provider.  Include cost for texts in your query.

Tip #4:  Get a prong adapter or two.  They look like this:

You can get these at Walmart, Target, Radio Shack, and AAA.  Call ahead to be sure they are in stock, if you are not already making the trip.

Tip #5:  Check the voltage on your chargers.  If they say 90-240v, you are good to go.  Apple products are 100-240v.  In other words, you do not typically need a voltage converter.

Tip #6:  Bring a computer if you must, but be ready for inconvenience.  We will be walking around quite a bit, and you will need to lug the computer with you.  It can be worth the hassle, however, if you are doing intensive photo processing.

Tip #7:  Consider a digital reader or tablet instead of a computer.  A Kindle, Nook, or iPad may be all you need, if you have one.  It's great for the flights and having some reading material never hurts during the layovers and longer bus rides.

Next:  The Glory That Is YouTube.

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